Indoor & Outdoor Rug Weatherproof Boho Design for Kitchen Balcony Patio Garden

Sale Price€155,90

Color: Gray


Size: 240x340cm


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The indoor and outdoor rug in a weatherproof boho design is ideal for use in kitchens, balconies, terraces, gardens or even in the living room. It was specifically designed to withstand the demands of outdoor use. The carpet is made of polypropylene, a durable and weather-resistant material. This protects it against moisture, mold formation and fading caused by sunlight. The carpet's pile height is 8mm, which provides a comfortable texture but is still easy to clean. The back of the rug is also made of polypropylene, which gives it extra stability and ensures that it lies flat on the floor without slipping. The boho style rug is a real eye-catcher and will add a stylish touch to any indoor or outdoor room. Boho design features vibrant colors, interesting patterns and ethnic elements that create a unique and trendy look. Another important aspect is the OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100 certificate, which confirms that the carpet has been tested for harmful substances and does not contain any substances that are harmful to health. This is especially important if the carpet is used indoors, especially in kitchens or living rooms. The indoor and outdoor rug in a weatherproof boho design is versatile, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Whether you want to use it on your patio for cozy evenings outdoors or want to add a trendy touch to your living room, this rug is a great choice.







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